Friday, October 18

Special Celebrations With the Valentine’s Day Cards

Valentine’s Day is celebrated on February 14 each year across the world. Learn more about the significance of this day and why it has been adopted as the “lovers’ day” everywhere by reading on.

Why do Valentine’s Day cards remain popular year after year?

In the same amount of time that the red flowers wither and die, the chocolates are eaten, and the gift vouchers are used, they are forgotten. It’s hardly possible to show your undying affection for someone without buying them a beautiful Valentine’s Day card.

An intense emotional bond is formed between people who exchange greeting cards. In addition, greeting cards often become treasured heirlooms that are handed down from generation to generation. Often times, these cards depict connections between loved ones who have gone on.

The urban legend states that true romantics never sign their greeting cards because they expect the recipient to know who sent it. There is evidence from the past to back up this theory. Postmarks may be deceiving, yet some individuals send cards across the nation or even across the world to their significant others in order to see how seriously they take their relationships.

Do you love me if

The British are among the world’s most romantic people, at least when it comes to sending Valentine’s Day greeting cards. The Greeting Card Association’s 2020 annual market study report indicates that shoppers spent a total of £47 million on Kids Valentine Card.

There was a time when many doting partners came to the Wiltshire hamlet of Lover to send greeting cards to one another, both to show their everlasting affection and, on occasion, to throw them off their trail. The tradition of using the Lover post mark has survived long after the local post office has closed thanks to an annual pop-up “Post Office” that opens in the days leading up to Valentine’s Day. This action was taken because of the persistent need for the post mark.

The town of Lover in Wiltshire is where many people prefer to send Valentine’s Day greeting cards to their loved ones

One ambitious poet in the 18th century compiled a book of rhymes called “The young man’s Valentine writer,” which was meant to help young gentlemen who had trouble expressing their feelings find a voice. In other words, it was a smashing success and bought up like crazy. Similar collections for women quickly followed; some of the poems inside explicitly rebuked an unwanted suitor.

Sending a greeting card is the standard practise these days. Greeting cards have been more important in British culture since since Sir Henry Cole sent the first Christmas card in 1843. The practise of exchanging greeting cards had a meteoric growth in the early 20th century in the United Kingdom and persisted during both world wars, when communication was of paramount importance. Since the conclusion of World War II, greeting cards have been the standard way to celebrate milestones, convey sympathy, and provide simple expressions of appreciation. In 2017, Royal Mail performed research on the emotional impact of receiving a greeting card, and the results were fascinating. Many of us still have the first Valentine’s Day card we ever received and many of us have kept those cards all these years.

Now more than ever, people who celebrate Valentine’s Day send cards to more than just their significant others, especially if they think those people could use a little romance in their life.

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